Mehdi Hosseini メフディ ホッセイニ
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CF6 : Chakuk (2014) for flute and violin duo

1979年テヘラン生まれ。イランにてペルシア音楽と作曲の基礎をファルハード・ファフラールディーニーに学 び、N・A・リムスキー=コルサコフ記念サンクトペテルブルク音楽院にてアレクサンドル・ムナットサカンヤンと セルゲイ・スロニムスキーの指導のもと、音楽博士号(作曲)を取得。 その間ナイジェル・オズボーンに音楽理 論を、タチアナ・ベルシャドスカヤに作曲を師事。 現在サンクトペテルブルグ州立音楽院にて音楽学博士課程 に在籍。 単旋律音楽の影響を受け、 ”モノディー"([単一の+メロディー]という造語)を頻繁に自作の題名と し、単旋律音楽の構造を自身の解釈で独自のスタイルで音楽制作に取り込んでいる。
Mehdi Hosseini was born in 1979 in Tehran. Hosseini began his musical training in Iran, studying Persian music and the fundaments of composition under the guidance of Farhad Fakhreddini. Following his studies in Iran, Hosseini finished his Master’s degree at the St. Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory with Professor Alexander Minatsakanian and his Doctor of Music degree (DMA) in Composition with Sergei Slonimsky. Hosseini also studied composition with composer Nigel Osborn, worked on problems of music theory under the direction of Professor Tatiana Bershadskaya, and is presently a Doctoral Candidate of Musicology at the St. Petersburg State Conservatory.
Mehdi Hosseini’s works show a strong monodic music influence, originally interpreted and incorporated into a personal style. He often uses the word monodies not only as the title of his composition, but also as a musical term; by which he means the characteristics of single voice structures, adapting themselves to any musical texture.